Placing things out of context produces acontextualization in the sense of their previous state, but also gives them new sense in new context, which this new state produces into its own logic of intuitive-rational setting.
Contextualizing, as a process of understanding the relationship between context and its belonging things, relying on logic relativity of their relationship and individual understanding, becomes not only the process of sense interpretation of certain situation, but also the process of its sense making and rendered senseless.
By exploring acontextualization in the field of architecture and art, this change may be breaking the prior state of elements, their deployment, changing their roles, placing in another context, etc. The new created relations prevent to experience new state to the previous mode. They represent a stage of the complete previous disbalance, precisely for the reason that, because of elements belonging to the previous, state of the new can’t be viewed outside the context of the previous. In this respect, they are illogical. On the other hand, if we accept the breaking of elements independent of the previous set, then these created relations are constructed in a new, different logic.
Some situations perceived as acontextual, in the process of creative thinking may be justified to their own new sense and understood as relations of different but equally acceptable logic.