Why contribute to Artpeople
Artists are major contributors to society
27% of Americans feel that artists contribute to the general good of society, more than elected officials (26%) and athletes (18%).
- There were 2,511,000 artists in the U.S., making up 16% of all employed civilians
- 288,000 of U.S. artists are painters or sculptors and craft artists.
- The majority of adults have been moved or inspired by art: painting, drawing, or photograph (80%); reading a novel or short story (76%); seeing a play (66%); or seeing a dance performance (58%).
Princeton university:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
The vast majorities of exceptional artists are undiscovered and need to be connected to their public
Over 91% of all artists are completely undiscovered.
- Although woman artists earn half of all Master’s of Fine Arts degrees, only a quarter of solo exhibitions in New York galleries feature women’s’ artwork, Women’s artwork makes up only 4% of all artwork exhibited in the Modern Art Section of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- 1.1% of all artists (i.e. “mainstream artists”) enjoy a disproportionately large percentage of web traffic, including 87.3% of Facebook page “likes” and 88.4% of artist Twitter followers.
- 46% of people perceive the lives of artists to be more difficult than the lives of people outside the arts.
Princeton university:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Digital Music:
Artpeople’s mission is to find and promote exceptional undiscovered artists
We already promoted more than 17000 artists from all countries, 60% are women and we need to do a lot more.