Fikos was born in 1987 in Athens where he still lives.
From a young age he painted whatever he saw around him, such as comics, landscapes icons and more.
At the age of 13 he started studying Byzantine painting under the guidance of George Kordis, with whom he also collaborat ed profession ally for 5 years painting murals in Orthodox churches, while at the same time developing his own personal painting style.
At the age of 13 he started studying Byzantine painting under the guidance of George Kordis, with whom he also collaborat
The themes of his painting, both religious and secular, emanate from the Orthodox Christian tradition and ancient Greek mythology respective
In terms of technique,
Having a background
From the mystical character of the Cycladic idols, the linear substantia lity of the Ancient Greek vases and the monumental character of the Byzantine murals, right up to the accomplish ments of contempora ry artistic movements such as modernism and street art, Fikos redefines the relationsh ip of the Byzantine tradition with modern society, creating that which convention ally will be called “Contempor ary Byzantine Painting”.