Sculptor Sophie Prestigiacomo reflects our tense dialogue
with nature with her swamp creature in the Nature of Séné in the Gulf of Morbihan in France. Land Art is the will to establish a direct relationship between man and nature. So, although still very little practiced on the territory of the Natural Reserves, it finds its place there.
The first appearance of Homo algus dates from Spring 2012, in Sene. Two creatures emerged from the mud to position themselves at the edge of the coastal path, then on the marshes at the Séné Nature Reserve. They toured with men for several weeks, arousing surprise and fascination.
Their sudden disappearance has created a vacuum among the inhabitants: reciprocal tame-up did not It was still only sketched. But the nascent legend wanted them to have gone then to seek the rest of their tribe. And they come back to settle in the Séné Marsh Nature Reserve! More numerous, more curious and doubtless convinced by the first visit of their two ambassadors that there was a relationship to be established with the human race.
« Dans une réserve française, la Réserve Naturelle des Marais de Séné dans le Morbihan., elles semblent tout droit sorties des marais… Accroupies au bord de l’eau ou couchées dans les joncs, elles surprennent le visiteur en promenade. Des squelettes de métal recouverts de grillages se sont transformés, créées sur place, ces êtres sont nés de la vase et des algues. Ces sculptures éphémères sont appelées à évoluer au fil des saisons et de la météo. Sophie Prestigiacomo viendra leur redonner vie de temps en temps jusqu’à leur totale disparition. »
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