DENIS SARAZHIN WAS BORN IN NIKOPOL, UKRAINE IN 1982 . HE ATTENDED THE KHARKOV ART AND DESIGN ACADEMY, GRADUATING IN 2008. Denis Sarazhin specialized in painting and was a pupil of Ganozkiy V. L., Chaus V. N., and Vintayev V. N.. Sarazhin was awarded with the 1st Degree Diploma Award for Excellence in Painting from…
Tag: #classic #oil paint #color
Paul Corfield, Landscape painter
PAUL CORFIELD, PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PAINTER, WORKING IN OILS AND PAINTING FREELANCE FOR WASHINGTON GREEN FINE ART PUBLISHING. Paul Corfield is located at Corfe Mullen, Dorset, United Kingdom and owner at home as self employed artist since March 28, 2001 to present. New website launched at Via :, Submit your Artwork and join our artists…