Marie-Madeleine Gautier was born in 1956 in Normandy;
She trained mainly at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and from the beginning of her career as a sculptor, was interested exclusively in the most common and frequent subject of art: being human. And this not in a mere aesthetic research but with a marked predilection for the female body that it has been exploring relentlessly, for years, by multiplying manners. The women, standing, crouching, nestling, stretched out, all present the same exacerbation of the Feminine, with their hips so wide, from which they grow legs which give them not only the stability but the lightness of the dance, and Contrast, their graceful busts evaporating to the skies.
Marie-Madeleine Gautier est née en 1956 en Normandie ; elle s’est formée essentiellement à l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris, et, dès le début de sa carrière de sculpteur, s’est intéressée exclusivement au sujet le plus commun et le plus fréquent de l’art : l’être humain. Et cela non pas dans une banale recherche esthétique mais avec une prédilection marquée pour le corps féminin qu’elle explore sans relâche, depuis des années, en multipliant les manières.