Lisa Ericson artist & illustrator,paints hyperrealistic images of humorous animals and hybrids.
After She made a series of mouserflies, she started a new series of hyperrealistic acrylic paintings where she combines fish with colorful coral.
In her paintings she illustrate nature imagery to mingle with mythological elements and abstract designs. Ericson’s paintings of mouse-butterfly hybrids are humorous, endearing, and technically well skilled. Lisa is an artist based in Portland, Oregon who tends to focus on hybrids in nature. She studied painting in illustration and graphic design.
Artista e ilustrador, Lisa Ericson pinta imágenes hiperrealistas de animales humorísticos e híbridos. En sus pinturas ilustra las imágenes de la naturaleza para mezclarse con elementos mitológicos y diseños abstractos. Las pinturas de Ericson de híbridos ratón-mariposa son humorísticos, entrañables y técnicamente bien capacitados. Lisa es una artista basada en Portland, Oregón, que tiende a centrarse en los híbridos en la naturaleza. Estudió pintura en ilustración y diseño gráfico.
view more on her Instagram and Facebook., Submit your Artwork and join our artists @ TO BE FEATURED.#artpeople
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