The Balancing Sculptures of Jerzy Kedziora
“The Balancing Sculptures” (The Grotesque of Transformation), the series of works infused with the same spirit, are the only statues in the world which, held in position only in one or two places, positioned, for instance, on a rope, a rod, a peak of the pyramid, still keep their balance defying gravity. The technicist rope in the first works of the series was a symbol of precariously thin boundaries between the extremes of our states, choices, situations. The more recent sculptures show solitary figures in the open space, who, to the rhythm of the movements of nature, perform mime monodramas displaying amazing acrobatic skills (“Walking Down the River Bank”, “The Little Gondolier”, “The Acrobat with the Chair”).
Man crossing the River, Bydgoszcz, fot. R.Sawicki.
Jerzy Kędziora is the artist of this remarkable sculpture . “Man crossing the River” was unveiled on the 1st of May 2004 to commemorate the Polish entry into the European Union. The sculpture was placed on the ropes stretched between the banks of the Brda river and that is a phenomenon.
“Przechodzący przez rzekę”, rzeźba Jerzego Kędziory, nad Brdą w Bydgoszczy
Jerzy Marian Kędziora ps. JotKa (ur. 5 września 1947 w Częstochowie) – rzeźbiarz i medalier, projektant wnętrz, terenów zielonych i zurbanizowanych.