Milica Krstic Make Tiny Faces, Bodies, And Symbols Of Clay Dipped In Wax On Wooden Circles.
“I have a graphic design degree but I wanted to do something with hands, not with a computer.So three years ago I went to a studio and thought they were doing pottery, but actually, it was only sculptured they made. I gave it a try and immediately fell in love with it.This is my first series of works made from clay, wax, and wood. They represent a body of a man and all he can achieve with it and what he believes in.
“Alpha” is my first sculpture that I worked on for five months. It consists of 400 male faces made of clay, dipped in white wax on a wooden circle”. Milica Krstic born in Pancevo, Serbia. she is active in fields of sculpture, graphic design, drawing, painting, photography.
Via : boredpanda