“ NemOs (NemO’s ) piece of art “Before and After” shifts the consideration
and the use of Street Art, focusing on the interaction of the audience and the friction of time.
“In my artistic career my technical approach had always been subordinate to what I wanted to express and to the composition of the image but eventually while I experimented new techniques I found interest in colors and recycled paper and I found myself figuring out how I could “paint” my drawings.
Up until this point I had only used spray paint and acrylic colors but paper had something else to it; it was alive, it became alive the day it was created to create something else. The chromatic and sensory effect is a swirl of small images and words together and there are different textures that color the many “sounds” of the spirit of my drawings.My work is divided into essential and graphic images, with a social message and made up characters that carry out poetic and surreal actions like characters in who knows which fairy tale”. NemO’s Says in his FB page.