DestinyBlue :
“Hello, I’m suicidal.
The thin ice has cracked, and I’ve slipped through, into freezing water.
I’m drowning. Fighting for breath, for hope. For a future.
Trapped in a Void; an emptiness which envelops everything, yet offers nothing. A absence with such weight I can feel it’s pressure on the backs of my eyes, as it rips out my breath, starves me of hope, and numbs all nurturing thoughts.
But this isn’t the kind of drowning that kills you, this is the kind of drowning that is so agonising it makes you want to kill yourself”. Continue reading on her FB.
Hi I’m Blue, and I struggle with mental illness.
Some of you will dismiss me, some of you will be scared of me, some of you will blame me, but a surprising amount of you will understand me, because 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues. Considering so many people experience it, we hear so little about it; it’s the family secret you can’t tell anyone, the fake smile so know one knows, the calling in sick but blaming food poisoning. It’s hard for me to write about, but I write this hoping it makes it easier for the next person to speak about it. Continue reading on her FB.
Scared of the Light~~
“It’s been dark so long, the light is blinding. Its sharp harsh white rips my life open and shows, with naked clarity, all that I’ve been missing. At least the darkness lies to me.
Pretty much lost the last 3 months of my life to mental illness…It’s a beautiful but scary thing to be emerging from it. All the possibilities open again, in contrast with all the things missed out. Other people carry on, and I have to start over. My eyes will adjust to the light soon though.”
(2/5) Losing Reality, my true story of Psychotic Depression.