Damian Lechoszest paints masterful portraits that capture each person’s individuality.

Damian was born in 1976 in Raciborz, Poland. His first great interest was drawing. From early childhood he liked to copy various characters of comics and fairy tales. His childish sketches were so good that many people from his community were astonished. In his early school years he took part in many high-level art competitions; his artistic works often rewarded and also received praise by art critics.

His special talent for drawing was noticed by local art teacher in primary school in Baborów. He was also the first person who helped him deepen his knowledge of practical skills in oil painting. He taught this talented young man in his own private painter’s studio.

Damian graduated University of Technology in Opole in 2002. During these studies he attended the practical painting classes at Art College in Opole. Over the years he improved not only his practical skills but also theoretical fundamentals in art. His sharp, analytical and inquiring mind tries to understand the impact of the painting on the viewers. He also tries to discern how the human eye reacts and records visual stimuli as well as how the human mind perceives the comprehensive image. That is why he studied biology, psychology and physiology of vision – consulting his private library of nearly 4000 books.

The artist, his wife Ela and two children Jasiek and Lukasz live in Baborow, a small town in the South of Poland.

Damian Lechoszest: Website | Instagram
instagram.com/artpeople_gallery, Submit your Artwork and join our artists @
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