Eduardo Mata Icaza is a France based painter, born and raised in Costa Rica on 1984.
Eduardo Mata Icaza was interest in art from a very early age, took the first drawing class at the age of 8. he starts studies at the School of Fine Arts in the University of Costa Rica in 2002 where he explores sculpture, mainly painting, drawing and history of art. His art work looks for the essential of human being, inherent characteristics of existence and the contrast of life. After several collective artwork and solo exhibition in Costa Rica he moved to Marseille, France, where actually lives and works.
Eduardo Mata Icaza es un pintor basada Francia, nacido y criado en Costa Rica en 1984.
Después de varias obras de arte colectiva y exposición individual en Costa Rica se trasladó a Marsella, Francia, donde vive y trabaja actualmente.