Alice Posluszna is a Polish Photographer and her passion is taking pictures of interesting moments and people.
In addition she is very interested “in philosophy,and social life”. She is very talented on her conceptual photography , such as reflection in the water and birds are real in her photos.
Alicja Posłuszna jest polski fotograf, a jej pasją jest fotografowanie ciekawych chwil i ludzi. Ponadto jest ona bardzo zainteresowany “w filozofii i życia społecznego”. Ona jest bardzo utalentowana na jej koncepcyjne, takie jak odbicie w wodzie i ptaki są prawdziwe w swoich fotografiach.
© Alice obedient
Someone in my life always waiting for someone, whether it’s in the high desert is in the heart of the city. And when I get to cross paths with these two and their eyes meet, then it disappears all the past and the future. All that matters is this moment and this incredible certainty that everything under the blue dome was written with one hand. The hand that bestows love and creates a close souls for every mortal who in sunlight she’s resting, tirelessly and is looking for his treasure. Because if it wasn’t, it’s the dream all humanity wouldn’t make any sense. (Paulo Coelho)
Through Artist submission to art people gallery.