Martin Ron is considered to be one of the best ten muralists of the world.
Painting was, for Martin Ron,a way of living, something he has been doing since he was a child, that started when he was ten years old, as a game, with friends, at school, in the streets. Guided by a good taste for art, he continued with his passion for painting without even knowing that this would take him around the world, and that he would leave his art in the most important cities of the planet.
Born in the province of Buenos Aires, the walls in the streets of Tres de Febrero were the starting point to think and develop his art, as it can be seen in Carlos Tevez´ painting. And then, different neighborhoods in the city of Buenos Aires, other provinces in Argentina, and countries like England, Spain, the USA, among others, have also seen his art.
Oriundo de la Provincia de BsAs, las paredes del partido de Tres de Febrero fueron el lienzo perfecto para realizar algunas de sus piezas maestras, como el mural del famoso jugador de fútbol Carlos Tévez. Las fronteras nunca fueron un problema para él por eso su arte se extendió a diversos barrios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, otras provincias de Argentina hasta llegar a países como Inglaterra, España, Estonia, EEUU y Malasya por nombrar algunos puntos del globo que tienen su firma.
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