The detailed and complex Imagination of Illustrator Simon Prades
is to express his fantastic imagination that explores ideas of nature, memory, and dreams. He mainly works in analog mediums, mainly ink, pencil and aquarell without ignoring the computer as a tool to finish work. Simon Prades, was born in 1985 in southern Germany, in a Spanish/German family. Since finishing studies he freelancing as an Illustrator / graphic designer.
Illustration for Pietro Mascagni’s opera “IRIS”.
His New Surreal Illustrations.
Simon Prades, wurde 1985 in Süd-Deutschland, in einer Spanisch / Deutsch Familie geboren. Seit Abschluss des Studiums freelancing er als Zeichner / Grafiker.
AKTUELLE ABBILDUNGEN-Verschiedene Auftrag Illustrationen für Cicero, Outside Magazine, Opencanada, NewScientist und The New Yorker.
You can find more of his work over on Behance and his website: