18 years old, art student and instagrammer in part time | Luisa Azevedo.
Luisa Azevedo is a portuguese young woman who was born in 1998. She lived most of her life in Covilhã, but currently living in Lisbon.
As far as she remembers, she always liked arts and crafts to create her own imaginary world. Then she grew up, and got interested in photography, design and digital art.
Luisa learned most of her Photoshop skills by herself, watching tutorials on Youtube. At the age of 17 she started doing commissioned projects.
At the moment she is studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa) majoring in Multimedia Art.
She found in photography and photo manipulation a daily challenge to deconstruct and reconstruct her own reality which she posts on her Instagram account.

instagram.com/artpeople_gallery, #artpeople, www.artpeople.net
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